Wednesday, September 9, 2009

pictures of my room in toledo. the top picture is was taken while i was standing on my bed, so it is kind of an aerial view. the next one is a picture of my comfortable bed :) and the last one is of my closet and the dresser that someone was just going to leave my the dumpster when they moved out of their columbus apartment. since my mother has a good eye, we spotted it and snatched it up with the help of some strong men, courtesy of my friend Victoria and her boyfriend Derek. and now it contains my clothes, yay for happy endings.

so i haven't update in a while and i bet most of you thought that med school had done me in, well nearly. aside from feeling like i am constantly studying for a final exam, i think i will be alright. toledo is nice so far, though i haven't really had the time to explore much besides the classroom, the grocery store, and my house. i found a nice fresh fruit and vegetable market though, so i was pretty happy about that.

took my first med school test yesterday, wasn't as awful as i expected, so i did quite well. went to study at the park today after class, nice and quiet. i don't think anyone else has found my secret study place yet which makes me happy. last night i went out to eat with some friends after we got manicures at the mall. my first manicure and probably one of my last. i can do a decent enough job painting my own nails i think, for a lot cheaper. it is fun to splurge a little though after you've had a rough week of studying. anyway, since you guys probably don't feel like reading much more than this, i think i will leave it at that. tomorrow is my first time taking a patient's history, wish me luck :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Orientation has come to a close...

on top: my white coat and the lovely yellow lunchbox that toledo gave us since it is tradition to give each new incoming class a different colored lunchbox. on bottom: me in my white coat after the ceremony. this is part of our front yard.

with regards to the title of my blog, this is one of the things our keynote speaker told us at orientation about being a doctor. i can't really think of a better title right now, so we'll see how this develops as i continue throughout the semester, maybe at that point i will decide that there is a more fitting title.

let's see, what else did i learn this week. well, a bunch of safety codes, the honor code, about financial aid, how to access the web slides, that i should learn to balance my life and maintain my own wellness, and a bunch of other things that i can't really recall at the moment. just that i am going to be leaving this institution with a lot of debt and that it's "otoscope" not "otoloscope" which i think is rather unfortunate.

aside from sitting in the classroom, i also participated in a ymca cookout and a faculty bbq. one was more entertaining than the other, but both were enjoyable. at the faculty bbq we went in small groups to different faculties houses where they provided us with food and various forms of entertainment. we played foosball with one of our potential future preceptors. i hadn't played that game in ages, but it was pretty fun. you could definitely detect the competitive spirit of the med students starting to show, lol.

tonight i will be attending a birthday party celebration with some classmates. i will let you know how that goes when i return. yesterday my mom came up and we went to the white coat ceremony, which was rather sadly about half and hour of the first years getting coated and about two hours of people from other years receiving awards and scholarships.

Melissa my new room has been working hard to renovate our house. the kitchen is her current project, hopefully it will be done in the next couple of weeks seeing as how classes start on monday and it might be a lot harder to work on once the workload begins to pile up.

anyway, that's about it for now, i will try to post pics of my room later